Murphy’s Law is a tester’s best friend

The QA Corner
8 min readJun 8, 2024


Imagine this: It’s launch day for a revolutionary new app. Millions of dollars, countless hours of development, the hopes and dreams of an entire team… all riding on this one moment. The countdown hits zero, the button is pressed, and… nothing. The app crashes. Spectacularly. Servers overload, users are locked out, and social media erupts in a frenzy of memes and mockery. It’s a PR nightmare, a financial disaster, and a soul-crushing blow for everyone involved.

Sound familiar? Maybe not on that scale, but I’m willing to bet most of us have experienced our own version of Murphy’s Law — that nagging feeling that if something can go wrong, it probably will. Especially when it comes to software.

But here’s the thing: Murphy’s Law isn’t just a pessimistic prediction. It’s a fundamental truth about the universe, a law of nature as undeniable as gravity. And just like gravity, we can’t escape it… but we can learn to harness it. What if, instead of fearing Murphy’s Law, we embraced it? What if we saw it not as a curse, but as a challenge? A catalyst for innovation? A secret weapon that testers like us can wield to create truly exceptional software?

That’s what I want to talk to you about today. How to turn Murphy’s Law from a foe into a friend. How to transform the chaos of inevitable failure into a force for good. And how to use this seemingly negative principle to build stronger, more resilient, and ultimately more successful software.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. Murphy’s Law sounds pretty grim, right? Like a dark cloud hanging over every line of code we write. But here’s where we, as testers, have a unique advantage. We’re not just witnesses to Murphy’s Law; we’re its interpreters. We understand its nuances, its patterns, its… let’s call it a sense of humor.

You see, being a tester isn’t about being pessimistic. It’s about being realistically optimistic. We don’t expect everything to go perfectly, but we believe we can make things better. We acknowledge the potential for failure, not to wallow in it, but to prepare for it, to learn from it, to use it as a stepping stone. This is where the concept of failing forward comes in. It’s a mindset shift that says, Okay, something went wrong. But what can we learn from this? How can we use this failure to make our product stronger, more resilient, more user-friendly?

Think of it like this: every bug we find, every crash we meet, every unexpected behavior we uncover… it’s not a setback. It’s a clue. A breadcrumb on the path to a better product. We, as testers, are the detectives of the software world. We follow these clues, we piece together the puzzle, and we help our teams build software that not only survives Murphy’s Law but thrives in spite of it.

Now, let’s talk about your unique strengths. Yes, you possess a set of skills forged in the crucible of Murphy’s Law. These skills allow you to not only survive the chaos but to thrive in it, guiding your teams toward exceptional software.

First, there’s foresight. Like seasoned navigators, you develop an intuitive sense for where the storms of failure might brew. You know the treacherous shoals, the hidden reefs, the uncharted paths. This allows you to anticipate problems before they arise, to chart a safer course, and sometimes even to avert disaster altogether.

Then there’s ingenuity. Navigating the digital frontier requires a special kind of resourcefulness. It takes a creative mind to devise the most effective tests, to simulate the most unexpected scenarios, to expose the most subtle vulnerabilities. You’re not just button-pushers; you’re explorers, trailblazers, and sometimes even a little bit mad scientists. But it’s this very ingenuity that helps you uncover issues that others might miss, leading to more robust, more secure software.

Of course, you also possess resilience. The digital frontier is not without its perils. But you, like seasoned navigators, are accustomed to weathering storms. You develop a thick skin, a high tolerance for frustration, and a knack for problem-solving under pressure. This resilience allows you to stay calm in the face of chaos, to keep your bearings when others are lost, and to ultimately find solutions that others might have given up on.

And finally, there’s empathy. You don’t just navigate the software; you chart the course for your users. You try to understand their motivations, their frustrations, their desires. This empathy allows you to not only find potential usability issues but to advocate for a better user experience. You become the voice of the customer, the champion of quality, the guardian of the user journey.

These are just a few of the essential qualities that Murphy’s Law has cultivated in us. But the truth is, we’re only just beginning to realize our full potential. These qualities aren’t just about damage control. They’re about fueling innovation. A ‘Murphy’s Law mindset’ is a powerful engine for progress. It encourages us to experiment, to take risks, to push boundaries. Because we know that failure is not the end, but a necessary step on the road to discovery.

Let’s take a look at some examples. Remember the early days of e-commerce? Back then, the idea of buying something online seemed downright crazy. But testers, armed with their Murphy’s Law mindset, went to work. They bombarded those websites with unexpected inputs, simulated traffic spikes, and tested the limits of payment systems. And yes, things broke. But from those failures came a wave of innovation that revolutionized how we shop.

Think about the evolution of user interfaces. Those intuitive, user-friendly designs we take for granted today? Many of them were born from the ashes of usability testing disasters. Testers, with their empathy and user-centric focus, highlighted pain points, uncovered confusing workflows, and advocated for change. And those changes, in turn, led to more intuitive, more accessible, and more enjoyable software experiences.

But the impact of Murphy’s Law goes even deeper. Sometimes, the very act of trying to break something can spark an entirely new idea. Consider chaos engineering, a practice where testers intentionally introduce failures into a system to test its resilience. It sounds counterintuitive, but it’s led to breakthroughs in system design, fault tolerance, and disaster recovery. It’s a perfect example of how embracing Murphy’s Law can lead us to unexpected and even revolutionary solutions.

So, the next time you meet a bug, a crash, or an unexpected behavior, don’t despair. Don’t see it as a setback. See it as an opportunity. An opportunity to innovate, to improve, to create something truly remarkable.

But perhaps the most profound impact of Murphy’s Law is on how we build teams. When we embrace the inevitability of failure, something magical happens: Fear gives way to trust.

Think about it. In a traditional development environment, where the goal is often to avoid mistakes at all costs, there’s a tendency to point fingers, to assign blame, to play the “cover your ass” game. But when we accept that failure is a natural part of the process, it creates a safe space for experimentation, for learning, for growth.

Suddenly, it’s okay to say, I don’t know, or I made a mistake. Because we know that our team has our back. We know that we’re not going to be punished for trying something new, even if it doesn’t work out. This kind of trust is the foundation of true collaboration.

Testers, in this new paradigm, are no longer just gatekeepers, standing at the end of the development process with a big red “STOP” sign. We become partners, collaborators, co-creators. We’re invited to the table early on, our insights valued, our expertise respected. We work hand-in-hand with developers, designers, and product managers, sharing our unique perspective, challenging assumptions, and advocating for the end user.

And this diversity of perspectives is key. It’s like having a team of experts, each with their own unique expertise, working together to solve a common problem. The developer with their technical prowess, the designer with their user-centric focus, the product manager with their market insights, and the tester with their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. When we combine these diverse viewpoints, when we foster open communication and encourage respectful debate, we create a crucible for innovation. We build software that’s not only technically sound but also user-friendly, resilient, and ultimately, more successful.

Now, I know what some of you might be thinking. With all the advances in AI and machine learning, are testers even going to be needed in the future? Will robots take over our jobs? Will Murphy’s Law become obsolete? Well, I have good news for you: The future of testing is brighter than ever. And it’s a future where humans and machines work together, each leveraging their unique strengths to achieve something greater than either could alone.

Yes, AI and machine learning are powerful tools. They can help us analyze vast amounts of data, find patterns, and even predict potential failures with uncanny accuracy. They can automate repetitive tasks, freeing us up to focus on more complex, creative challenges.

But they can’t replace the human element. They can’t replicate our intuition, our creativity, our empathy. They can’t understand the nuances of human behavior, the subtle ways in which users interact with software. In fact, I believe that AI and machine learning will actually enhance our Murphy’s Law superpowers. They’ll give us new tools to anticipate the unpredictable, to uncover hidden vulnerabilities, to build even more resilient systems.

See, AI is like a powerful telescope, allowing us to see further into the depths of our software than ever before. But we, the testers, are the astronomers, interpreting the data, making sense of the patterns, and using our intuition to guide us towards new discoveries.

So, the future of testing is not about humans vs. machines. It’s about humans and machines. It’s about combining the best of both worlds to create a new generation of software that’s smarter, safer, and more user-friendly than anything we’ve seen before.

So, I challenge you, my fellow testers, my fellow creators, my fellow explorers of the digital frontier to embrace the chaos. Embrace Murphy’s Law. Don’t let it be a source of fear or frustration. Let it be your guiding principle, your muse, your secret weapon.

For the testers reading this: cultivate your strengths. Hone your anticipation, your creativity, your resilience, your empathy. Become a change agent and advocate for a culture of “failing forward” in your organizations. Embrace new technologies and explore how AI and machine learning can enhance your work.

And for everyone else: value your testers and recognize the unique skills they bring to the table. Don’t forget to encourage experimentation. Create a safe space for trying new things, even if they don’t always succeed. And most of all: celebrate failure. Learn from your mistakes, and use them as stepping stones to greater success.

Remember, Murphy’s Law is not our enemy. It’s our teacher, our mentor, our most unlikely ally. By embracing its wisdom, we can unleash our full potential, create truly exceptional software, and ultimately, change the world.



The QA Corner

I craft content that untangles tech. Let's talk about technology, software testing, and quality assurance.